
The Future of FC Barcelona’s Assembly: A Democratic Illusion?”

The recent FC Barcelona General Assembly has made its verdict clear, especially regarding the approval of last season’s financial closure and the upcoming budget. These were undoubtedly the most debated points of the gathering, and their outcomes were decisive. But beneath the surface, a new issue is rising—how much control do the members really have?

The Shift from Traditional Assemblies to Virtual Disconnection

Despite the concerns of various experts, prominent Barcelona socio-economists, and even groups aspiring to present a candidate for the next elections, the formula of this assembly has shifted dramatically. Instead of members being present in a room, able to voice their opinions and objections face-to-face, we now have a system that relies heavily on virtual connections. The socio compromisario now finds themselves at a distance, listening through headphones with little ability to replicate the dynamism of past in-person meetings.

This transformation has changed everything. The ability to confront and challenge the Board of Directors has disappeared, and with it, so has the vibrant, direct interaction. Gone are the days of general protests or synchronized boos that resonated throughout the hall when something controversial was announced.

The Impact of Virtual Voting

The most significant change, however, comes in the voting process itself. Where once hands were raised in clear support, opposition, or abstention, the new virtual voting system has taken away that tangible control. With compromisarios facing technical issues and disconnection problems, many voices are silenced before they can be heard. The shift is subtle but profound; the act of voting has become an act of faith, not a democratic exercise.

Still, the Catalan Sports Law allows this, even though it isn’t explicitly covered in the Club’s Statutes. So technically, no one can complain about the legality. But should they?

The Dissatisfaction Among Members

The shift towards virtual meetings, while understandable in light of the pandemic, has led to a sense of alienation. The idea of a fully present assembly has now faded, leaving a system that feels more like an obligation than an opportunity for real discourse. FC Barcelona fans, particularly those with a deep history in the club, feel this loss acutely. The essence of debate, the ability to look decision-makers in the eye and challenge them, has vanished.

Even with these concerns, the results of the voting must be respected. After all, the system is in place, and as many club officials have pointed out, it’s not about perfection but about participation. The club’s leadership seems content with this new format, but the question remains: will the members accept this new reality without protest? Or will there come a time when the weight of these changes leads to more significant unrest?

Although this new assembly format follows the Catalan Sports Law, it leaves much to be desired in terms of member participation and control. The law may allow for these virtual assemblies, but for many, it feels like a departure from the traditions and engagement that once defined the club. It may be legal, but does that make it right?

The Future of FC Barcelona’s Decision-Making

Looking ahead, the Board of Directors may need to rethink how these assemblies are conducted if they want to maintain the trust and participation of their members. The last thing they want is a growing divide between the members and the Board, especially as future decisions about the club’s finances, leadership, and sporting direction come into play.

For now, the members seem resigned to this new form of assembly, but the underlying question persists: can this virtual format provide the transparency and control that FC Barcelona members deserve? Or is it merely a democratic illusion, where the facade of participation masks a loss of true engagement?

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